Project IN_VISIBLE (Master)

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Project IN_VISIBLE (Master)


Potential Users/User Groups

  • Equality Officers (Frauenbeauftragte)

    • biased: present the institution as inclusive
  • Head of Administration/Student Service

  • TIN People who are members of the institution

    • who maybe experienced pain and want to share it
    • or maybe a positive experience as well
  • Local TIN People who want to provide information

  • Alumnis

  • Activists Maintaining the Platform/Administrator

  • Hochschul-Akteur*innen in Marketing und Gleichstellung

    • goal: good places in rankings, make the institution attractive for potential students

we need to make sure that a variety of people are interviewed (class, sexual orientation, gender identity, perspectives of intersex people, people of color)

Further Ideas

Discuss Ideas with other Groups e.g. LesMigras and other community-based NGOs intersectional perspective