Other Material
- Preparation for Week 3
Guideline to Assignments
The assignments will clearly state wether you need to hand in a PDF, source code or both. Please adhere to the following guidelines:
- if both PDF and source code have to be submitted, upload two files: a PDF and a zip with the source code. If the Source Code is within one single file, you can upload this directly instead of the Zip. Please do not include the PDF in the ZIP file.
- If only a PDF has to be submitted, hand in the PDF. If only source code has to be submitted, hand in only the zip/single file.
- Include the names of all people in the group** at the top** of the PDF *and*** at the top** of each (relevant) source code file. If you collaborated with further people, do state so at the beginning of the files.
- If you hand in your work in other formats, e.g. Word file instead of PDF, rar archive instead of zip, you might be lucky that I will grade it anyway if the computer I happen to work on opens it without complaints. If not, I will not go through the hassle of installing other software / watch my mac opening MS Word and might decide to not grade your submission.
- In the future (starting with the second assignment), I will assign 0 points to all work handed in by more than one group/person without stating the names of the others. That is, if you hand over your solution to other groups, make sure they make that “collaboration” clear, and do so yourself in your report, otherwise you might receive 0 points as well.
- Submit your complete work on time. There is no point in emailing me if you didn’t. Everybody has a cold now and then, but if you miss just one week (and your group wasn’t able to upload it for you…) you still have the chance of getting enough points for a 1.0 as there is enough slack in the grading. If you become seriously ill and miss more than one week, make sure you collect medical certificates (ärztliche Atteste) immediately and email me/talk to me asap and we will find a solution.
- Submissions not adhering to these guidelines will not be graded.
Lab Reports
The lab will consist of more topics than directly relevant to the exercise. E.g. in the first lab, it was testing the gilded rose, this week it will be first steps in ruby. This is to give you some opportunity to try out and practice more stuff, as I’m convinced that you need to try out things yourself in computer science to really understand them. The Lab report is your bonus in points/grades for doing this stuff, therefore the only goal is to give it a try and write down/reflect on your experiences. If you can’t attend a lab and still want to do the lab report, you can find out about the topic from one of your fellow students, work on it independently and write a report about that.
To ease tracking, the lab reports need to be** handed in separately. (starting with the 3rd submission).** I will provide an option to enter plain text, so no need to create an extra pdf.
I will assign the points as soon as you hand in something that has a relation to the topic covered. “I’ve tried but nothing worked” without mentioning what you tried will not be enough.