Info2 SS2014 Schedule
Stand: 1.4.2014
Week | KW | Lab (Group1) | Lecture Wed | Lecture Fri | - | Lecture Topic | Lab No | Lab Topic | |
1 | 14 | 04/02/2014 | “Welcome Back, Overview, Toolbox: Java, Eclipse, GIT” | ||||||
04/04/2014 | “Designing Applications” | ||||||||
2 | 15 | 04/08/2014 | 1 | “Designing an Application, CRC Cards & Toolbox” | |||||
04/09/2014 | “Error Handling and Exceptions” | ||||||||
04/11/2014 | “Networking in Java. File I/O. Eclipse.” | ||||||||
3 | 16 | 04/15/2014 | 2 | “Implementing CRC cards (Pre-Lab!)” | |||||
04/16/2014 | “Java 8 - Lambdas” | ||||||||
04/18/2014 | “Properties of Algorithms” | ||||||||
4 | 17 | 04/22/2014 | 3 | “Chatterbox (Pre-Lab!)” | |||||
04/23/2014 | “Maximum Contiguous Subsequence Sum " | ||||||||
04/25/2014 | “Abstraction: Abstract Data Types and Design Patterns” | ||||||||
5 | 18 | 04/29/2014 | 4 | “Histogram (Pre-Lab!)” | |||||
04/30/2014 | “Lists” | ||||||||
05/02/2014 | “Polya: How to Solve It. Collections: Sets, Bags, Maps. | " | |||||||
6 | 19 | 05/06/2014 | 5 | “Execution Times (Pre-Lab!)” | |||||
05/07/2014 | “Enumerations - Collections - Iterators” | ||||||||
05/09/2014 | “Stacks” | ||||||||
7 | 20 | 05/13/2014 | 6 | “Abstract Data Types (Pre-Lab!)” | |||||
05/14/2014 | “Queues, Priority Queues” | ||||||||
05/16/2014 | “Recursion” | ||||||||
8 | 21 | 05/20/2014 | 7 | “Fun with Calculators - I (Pre-Lab!)” | |||||
05/21/2014 | “Recursion continued, Finite State Automata” | ||||||||
05/23/2014 | “Trees” | ||||||||
9 | 22 | 05/27/2014 | 8 | “Reverse Polish Notation (Pre-Lab!)” | |||||
05/28/2014 | “Quadtrees, AVL-Trees” | ||||||||
05/30/2014 | “Random numbers, Probabilistic Algorithms” | ||||||||
10 | 23 | 06/03/2014 | 9 | “Fun with Calculators - II (Pre-Lab!)” | |||||
06/04/2014 | “Graphs, Graph Algorithms” | ||||||||
06/06/2014 | “Sorting” | ||||||||
11 | 24 | 06/10/2014 | 10 | “Recursive Triangles (Pre-Lab!)” | |||||
06/11/2014 | “Sorting” | ||||||||
06/13/2014 | “Sorting” | ||||||||
12 | 25 | 06/17/2014 | 11 | “Getting from A to B (Pre-Lab!)” | |||||
06/18/2014 | “Searching, Nearest Neighbor, Branch and Bound” | ||||||||
06/20/2014 | “String Searching and Pattern Matching” | ||||||||
13 | 26 | 06/24/2014 | 12 | “Scrabble Cheater Basic Edition (Pre-Lab!)” | |||||
06/25/2014 | “Scanning and Parsing Algorithms” | ||||||||
06/27/2014 | “NP-Complete Problems” | ||||||||
14 | 27 | 07/01/2014 | 13 | “Scrabble Cheater Deluxe (Pre-Lab!)” | |||||
07/02/2014 | “Cryptographic Algorithms” | ||||||||
07/04/2014 | “Ruby” | ||||||||
15 | 28 | 07/08/2014 | 14 | “Eight Queens (Pre-Lab!)” | |||||
07/09/2014 | “Ruby” | ||||||||
07/11/2014 | “Ruby” | ||||||||
16 | 29 | 07/15/2014 | “Repetition” | ||||||
07/16/2014 | “Repetition” | ||||||||
07/18/2014 | “Repetition” | ||||||||
17 | 30 | 07/22/2014 | “No Lab” | ||||||
07/23/2014 | “EXAM” | ||||||||
07/25/2014 | “Klausureinsicht” | ||||||||