Media Programming: Web Technology

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Week 3 - Testing, CI and CD

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Week 3


In week 3, we’ll work on Rails Testing. Please read through the Rails Testing Guide and have a look at the Capybara DSL which we will use to write end-to-end feature tests.

Also, we’ll set up continuous integration and continuous deployment using the services travis and heroku respectively.


Testing, Setting up a Deployment Workflow, and some Ruby

Working on your project

again, see the example project for clarification on what to do.

  1. Create at least one happy-path feature test for each person on your team. Use Capybara.
  2. Test cleanup: delete unnecessary test
  3. Create test data for the tests using fixtures.
  4. Create a model test.
  5. Create seed data for playing around in development mode, and also some if you need/want seed data in production.
  6. Set up automated integration tests on travis ci for your project. Include a “build passing” button in your readme.
  7. Set up an Automated Deployment to Heroku for your project.
  8. For the bored: set up a build matrix testing both against postgres and sqlite on travis
  9. Automatically Deploy every successful Build from Travis.

Don’t forget to tag your sources with week-3 after completing theses steps.