User-Centered Web Technology SS2017

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

WT4 SS2017 - Report 2

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Report 2: Visioning and Product Concepts

The second report is due Sunday, July 9th, 22:00

It should be submitted to moodle as pdf and contain the following parts:


  • Your topic, goal and names of all persons in your team

Documentation of Affinity Diagrams and Wall Walk

  • Fotos of your Affinity Diagrams, summary of the main categories.
  • List of Issues
  • Hot Ideas

The latter list can be included as clearly readable fotos of the Flipcharts.

Visioning & Product Concepts

Document the

  • Visions developed,
  • their structured evaluation,
  • the Product Concept and the
  • results of the cool drilldown.

If Fotos of your Flipcharts/Artefacts are legible and speak for their own, they are sufficient. Add a brief reflection on the Structured Evaluation and the Cool Drilldown

Paper Prototypes in their current state

Include Fotos of the paper protypes as far as they are done yet. They need to be completed and copied before the next meeting however!


A reflection on the work you did so far in the scheme of a retrospective:

  • What did you do so far? You pretty much collected everything in the above sections - anything else you would like to add to tell the story of the last weeks?
  • What went well?
  • What can be improved?