User-Centered Web Technology SS2018

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

User-Centered Web Technology SS2018


Report 1

Start a Project Template

You will have many iterations of the project template! Do not delete anything, strikeout with date.

  1. Project Details: These include the summary of the Project
  2. Title: The Title or codename of the project.
  3. Description: A summary defining the objective of the project.
  4. Stakeholders: Members who are involved with or have requested the project.
  5. Impact Assessment: The observed or intended impact of the project deliverable: Who will be affected by this project? How many users? What business processes will be changed as a result of this project?
  6. User Requirements: The requirements of the project, as specified by the user.
  7. Specifications Sheet (Functional Requirements): The technical details of the project, or the deliverables that will be developed and/or designed to meet the user requirements.
  8. Data Models: Data Flow Diagrams and/or Data Structure Diagrams
  9. Data Processes: These are data processes or scripts that the project depends on. The list includes the process name, a description of where it’s located, what it does, etc. and runtime/duration. This table will be updated throughout the life of the product.
  10. Prototypes: Copies of low- or high fidelity screenshots, mockups, models, etc.
  11. Maintenance Notes: Additional notes that would be pertinent to the support of this product.

Report 2

Product Design Report

  • Results of Visioning
  • Product Concepts
  • Paper Prototypes

Report 3

Evaluation Iterations

  • 2 Iterations on Evaluating the Paper Prototypes
  • High Fidelity Prototypes on two Aspects:
    • 1 Usability Test
    • 1 A/B Test
  • Reflection on Experience with Testing Methods
  • Continue the Project Template from Report 1!
  • Final Presentation of your Product Concept