Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Topic 04 - Sprint 02 - First Express App with view templates and dynamic content


Sprint 02: First Express App with view templates and dynamic content

  • number the stories in your backlog (see the example below)
  • choose and implement stories according to this weeks topic
  • work with git. create a branch for each story and merge it into master with a merge commit like “Story_001 Overview of Study Program”
  • you may also clean your git history to just have one commit per story.
  • tag the version where the sprint was completed with “Sprint_02”
  • include the repo url in your status report (you can use any service, e.g. https://gitlab.rz.htw-berlin.de/)
    • if you have a private repository, make sure to grant me read access

Step 1: Using Express

Create a new application using express, and migrate your existing views to the new express app. This may result in a new repository, but does not have to. Chose one or more stories where you can make use of the two new technological topics you’ve learned in Unit 2: View Templates and Dynamic Content.

Topic of the Week: View Templates and Dynamic Content

Layouts and Partials

Look at your whole backlog and choose a story or more that requires a different view from your first stories, and implement it using layouts and partials.

Passing Parameters in Routes

Find one Story that can make use of a parameter passed in a route and implement it.

Displaying Dynamic Content

Find a Story that can make use of Passing content from the controller to the view and displaying it with a view template.

Example: Module Database


Status Report

Write up a brief status report containing:

  • Your Project Name
  • The Names of all People on the Team
  • The Stories you’ve implemented
  • the url of your git repositories
  • your revised backlog, keeping the implemented stories at the top marked as “Sprint 01 - Done” or “Sprint 01 - in progress”

and submit it as .txt or .pdf to moodle with the Filename: Group_X_ModuleHandbook_Sprint02.pdf or Group_X_ModuleHandbook_Sprint02.txt