Sprint 05 - CRUD Part 1 and 2 (2 weeks)
Unit 4 - Building a User Model - is a rather long unit, thus we will take two weeks to work through it. The technical topics are:
- CRUD - Create, Read, Update, Delete actions on Models in the Rest architectural style
- Validations
- Model Associations
It discusses CRUD by creating CRUD functionality via model, views, controller and routes for the User model.
You will need a user model for authentication in addition to your individual models. You can just copy and adapt the model from the example application, and adapt it such that it fits to your application domain.
Find one or more stories to implement at least one of each:
- validation
- model association
- index
- create
- read
- update
- delete
You will find that not all models are in need of all crud actions, and that not all actions need a dedicated view.
You can spread the stories and tasks over the 2 weeks & sprints as you like, but it’s probably easier if you do it in the order of the book (as listed above).
Write at least one test for each story. Don’t forget to update your seeds.
Example application
don’t overlook chapter 17.2., Testing models in REPL - testing parts of your application interactively can save you lots of time!