User-Centered Web Technology SS2021

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin


This is a practical class in Contextual Design. We will read the book “Contextual Design, 2nd ed.” by Karen Holtzblatt and Hugh Beyer together and run through a Lightning Fast+ Rapid Contextual Design Process.

There are no lectures, you need to actually read the book, one to two chapters each week, and work through a contextual design process together with your team.

Class time will be used for whole-class activities, Presentations, Q&A and Learnteam-Coaching.

The workload per week is about 9 to 10,5 hrs (in accordance with the 5 ECTS you earn).

Have a look at the schedule to see how this breaks down. If needed, further information will appear on the Reports page.


There are three reports to hand in via moodle, and a final project presentation including slides. Each of this counts 1/5 towards the grade:

  • Report I: write-up Contextual Inquiry
  • Report II: Affinity Diagram and Wall Walk
  • Report III: write-up Visioning and Product Concepts
  • Report IV: Paper Prototypes & their Evalutation and Final Project Report
  • Presentation (Actual Presentation & Slides) (maybe a video this term)