WT4 SS2021 - Report 1
Report 1: Contextual Inquiry
The first report is due before our next meeting: tbd, 22:00
It should be submitted to moodle as pdf and contain the following parts:
- Your topic, goal and names of all persons in your team
Documentation of Contextual Inquiry
- Your Qualification Questions as well your
- Script for soliciting interviewees
- any other preparation for the interviews
- For each interview: (You should do at least 2 interviews per person in your team) the results of the interpretation session:
- Student/User/Person Profile
- Affinity Notes captured in the interpretation session
- Any other Artefacts/Notes made during the interpretation session or that seem otherwise relevant
A reflection on the work you did so far in the scheme of a retrospective:
- What did you do so far? How did the interviews go? Where did you do the interpretation sessions, which roles, etc.? Briefly narrate what you did during the last weeks for your project.
- What went well?
- What can be improved?