User-Centered Web Technology SS2021

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

WT4 SS2021 - Report 2

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Report 2: Affinity Diagram and Wall Walk

It should be submitted to moodle as pdf and contain the following parts:


  • Your topic, goal and names of all persons in your team

Documentation of Affinity Diagrams and Wall Walk

  • Slide Show to present your Affinity. See the caption on Page 204 in Rapid Contextual Design, “Comunicating with slide shows - the language of managers and corporations” for an suggestion on how to present the user data from the affinity in a slide show.
  • List of Issues
  • List Hot Ideas
  • List of Technologies


A reflection on the work you did so far in the scheme of a retrospective:

  • What did you do so far? You pretty much collected everything in the above sections - anything else you would like to add to tell the story of the last weeks?
  • What went well?
  • What can be improved?