Sprint 02 - Persistence with Mongo
Sprint 02: Persistence with Mongo
Based on Unit 3, “Connecting to a Database”, you’ll implement persistence with Mongo DB and Mongoose. The functionality implemented will be showing listings and single items of one resource, as well as creating new records (no editing yet).
As usual, select a story or two you will implement using the new technological features. You will create a full CRUD (Create/read/update/delete) in later Sprints.
Example Application
With this sprint, you can pretty much follow the book. See my doc in the readme for the example app:
Status Report
Write up a brief status report containing:
- Your Project Name
- The Names of all People on the Team
- The Stories you’ve implemented
- the url of your git repositories
- also, make sure to keep your backlog in the backlog-tool up to date.
and submit it as .pdf to moodle with the Filename: Group_X_project_name_Sprint02.pdf