Sprint 07 API and JWT
Sprint 07 API and JWT
Pick or create user stories that make use of an api delivering JSON data. Build in one form of api authentication/authorisation (API Token or JWT) Unit 6 - “Building an API”.
Sprint 07 in the Module-Handbook example application:
Sprint 07 - Testing
- Testing APIs with Jest and Superagent is straightforward.
- Testing Routes that need authentication
- See the documentation in the Example app: https://github.com/htw-imi-wtat1/module-handbook/blob/master/doc/authentication_authorization.md
Backlog and Report
make sure to define your stories and connect them to the appropriate technical topic in the Backlog -
write a summary of what worked, what didn’t work and what you’ve learned as your report and upload it in the moodle area.
include a personal reflection about the sprint and what you’ve learned from each team member in the report.