Informatics 1 is an introduction to object-oriented programming using the Java programming language. In this class we will be using BlueJ (and it’s derivate Greenfoot for the Kara exercises) as development environment. You will learn about writing programs, designing simple algorithms, about control structures, data types and data structures and last not least object oriented programming - about Objects and Classes.
This class will be held in a mixture of German and English. Most written material will be in English. You are free to choose German or English for your written assignments.
Class Structure and Meetings
According to the curriculum, Informatics 1 is planned with 2 lectures and 1 lab per week. Lectures are called “Seminaristischer Unterricht” (SU) in the StuPo, 90 min each with all 40+ students attending the class. Labs are the “(Praktische) Übung” (PÜ) with smaller groups of 20 students.
This will be organized as follows:
Lectures cover the general knowledge and understanding of the topic. We will be using the Textbook Objects First with Java - A Practical Introduction using BlueJ, Pearson Education, 2016, 6th edition by David Barnes and Michael Kölling.
We do lectures in a flipped classroom manner: You read the book chapter ahead during the first part of the week. There are also videos available from the author, and I may add some additional reading material or videos. See the Schedule and the Material pages for detailed information.
On Friday at 12:15-13:45 we meet in WH-C 357 for a brief overview lecture, Q&A and additional practice exercises on the book chapter topics.
We encourage you to maintain hand-written notes and sketches. For this, we’ve prepared a workbook template (available in moodle) containing additional exercises and room for your notes. You can hand in your weekly notes for additional points (see below).
Open Labs
Thursday will be a day-long open lab. We’ve combined rooms, lab and 2nd lecture capacity to offer you a day long “Open Lab”. These are the tentative specifics (those may be adapted during the term, changes will be announced via moodle):
9:45-11:15 Lab Intro, assigning teams and Q&A for all (7.4.22 in WH-C 350 , room tba after that)
11:15-ca.15:30 Open Lab and Lab Presentations for all in Rooms WH-C 576, 577, 578
We will assign teams during the Lab Intro in the morning and will ask one half of you to have lunch early and the other half to have lunch later, such that not all 40+ (currently 61) start the lab and asking questions at the same time.
There will be a board to collect questions for the tutorial and the lecture.
There will be an additional tutorial on monday. 14:00-15:30 in lab WH C 579
- Veronika Bertels, LB, Software-Engineer, former IMI-Student
- Lotte Unckell, LB, IMI-Master Student
- Nermin Rustic, Tutor, IMI-Bachelor Student
- Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen
The grade will be a weighted mixture of the following parts:
- 40% Lab Reports
- 55% Exam
- 10% Workbook Chapters
This sums up to a total of 105 % and will be graded according to the Grading Scale .
Further remarks
Workbook Chapters and Lab Reports are simply counted - they are either present/marked as ok or not.
2 lab reports and 3 Workbook Chapters may be handed in late.
If you are unable to work on your assignments due to circumstances you are not accountable off - e.g. falling ill or family emergencies - talk to one of us asap and we will work out a solution.
Important Links and Further Information
Information on this class is dispersed on several locations depending on the nature of the information and wether it can be public or not. The Course Navigation on top gives you access to all other relevant places via “External Links”.
These places are in detail:
- This Web Page for all information that may and should be publicly accessible, especially the Schedule, Lab exercises, or further general information as the Grading Scale.
- Moodle for all Information that cannot be made publicly available and for handing in your lecture summaries and lab reports.
- the LSF System, where you can find class times and rooms. Note that is possible to see the general schedule for your Semester (Term Schedule above) and also Schedules for all people teaching (Dozentenpläne) - this is often the fastest way to find out the room for your next class.
- The lecture source code on Github for publicly accessible code examples used in the lecture and the assignments (you don’t need to know how to use git to use github - note the “download as zip” buttons on the starting page of each repository!)