B1 Informatics 1 SoSe 2022

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin
Week 1(KW 14)Programming Kara
Thu 07/04/2022Lab: Exercise 00: Lab Startup
Fri 08/04/2022Lecture: Introduction to Class
Week 2(KW 15)Chapter 01 - Objects and Classes Objects, Classes, Methods, BlueJ, Parameters, Compiler
Thu 14/04/2022Lab: Exercise 01: Programming Kara
Fri 15/04/2022Ostern
Week 3(KW 16)Chapter 02 - Understanding Class Definitions - Class Definitions, Fields, Constructors, Methods, Parameters, Assignment, Getters and Setter, Printing to the command line, Conditional, Local Variables, Expressions
Thu 21/04/2022Lab: Exercise 02: TicketMachine
Fri 22/04/2022Lecture: Summary, Exercises & Q&A for Chapter 02
Week 4(KW 17)Chapter 03 - Object Interaction - Abstraction, Modularization, Object Interaction, Object Creation, Object and Class Diagrams, Primitive Types, Object Types, Multiple Constructors, Debugger
Thu 28/04/2022Lab: Exercise 03: Book Exercise
Fri 29/04/2022Lecture: Summary, Exercises & Q&A for Chapter 03
Week 5(KW 18)Chapter 04 - Grouping Objects Collections, Generics, for-each, While Loops, More Loops, Iterators, Arrays, For Loops
Thu 05/05/2022Lab: Exercise 04: Rock Around the Clock
Fri 06/05/2022Lecture: Summary, Exercises & Q&A for Chapter 04
Week 6(KW 19)Chapter 05 - Functional Processing of Collections (Advanced) Lambda Functions, Filter, Map, Reduce
Thu 12/05/2022Lab: Exercise 05: A Better Notebook
Fri 13/05/2022Lecture: Summary, Exercises & Q&A for Chapter 05
Week 7(KW 20)Chapter 06 - More-Sophisticated Behavior - Library Classes, Reading Class Documentation, Random, Packages, (Hash)Maps, Public vs. Private, Interfaces, Class Variables, Writing Class Documentation
Thu 19/05/2022Lab: Exercise 06: Lambda Functions
Fri 20/05/2022No Lecture
—-(KW 21)Chapter 07 - Fixed-Size Collections Arrays
Thu 26/05/2022HimmelfahrtVorlesungsfrei
Fri 27/05/2022VorlesungsfreiVorlesungsfrei
Week 8(KW 22)Chapter 08 - Designing Classes - Designing Classes, Coupling, Cohesion, Refactoring, Using the main method
Thu 02/06/2022Lecture: Summary, Exercises & Q&A for Chapter 06 and 07
Lab: Exercise 07: Lotto and Technical Support
Week 9(KW 23)Chapter 09 - Well-Behaved Objects - Modularization, Interfaces, Debugging, Walkthroughs, Testing and Interfaces, Unit Testing, Test Automation
Thu 09/06/2022Lecture: Summary, Exercises & Q&A for Chapter 08
Lab: Exercise 08: Bouncing Balls
Week 10(KW 24)Chapter 10 - Improving Structure with Inheritance - Inheritance, Subtyping, Polymorphism, Protected, Casting, Polymorphism, Static vs. dynamic typing, Overriding, Object equality
Thu 16/06/2022Lecture: Summary, Exercises & Q&A for Chapter 09
Lab: Exercise 09: Testing with JUnit
Week 11(KW 25)Chapter 11 - More about Inheritance - Abstract Classes, Interfaces
Thu 23/06/2022Lecture: Summary, Exercises & Q&A for Chapter 10
Lab: Exercise 10: The World of You
Week 12(KW 26)Chapter 12 - Further Abstraction Techniques - Abstract Classes, Abstract Methods, Multiple inheritance, Interfaces
Thu 30/06/2022Lecture: Summary, Exercises & Q&A for Chapter 11
Lab: Exercise 11: Keeping Track of Stuff
Week 13(KW 27)Chapter 13 - Building Graphical User Interfaces - Graphical User Interfaces
Thu 07/07/2022Lecture: Summary, Exercises & Q&A for Chapter 12
Lab: Exercise 12: Pick up and Carry
Week 14(KW 28)Chapter 14 - Handling Errors - Handling Errors, Exceptions, Assertions, File-based IO, Files, Command Line
Thu 14/07/2022Lecture: Summary, Exercises & Q&A for Chapter 13 and 14
Lab: Trial Exam, Lab 12 presentations
Week 15(KW 29)
Thu 21/07/2022Lecture: Exam
Lab: Late slot presentations
Week 16(KW 30)
Thu 28/07/2022
Fri 22/07/2022Showtime

Exam period: 11/07/2022-30/07/2022