B9 Networks SoSe 2022

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Lab 00 - Intro


Part 1: Playing with Web Servers

As the Web and Web applications are a central part of networked applications, we will use the time before really getting started to play around with basic web servers.

You should be able to do most or all of this with your own computers. We will build Teams during the first lab, but feel free to start working on the exercises

1.a Simple Web Server in Java: NanoWebServer

Have a look at these examples of very simple webservers implemented in Java: https://github.com/htw-imi-networks/lab00-nanoHttpServer

Build in something new, tinker a bit… for example, try doing a redirect for an arbitrary new filename (it might be http://localhost:5005/redirect) that performs a redirect to some other page using the status code 301 “Moved Permanently”

1.b Playing with Nginx

Nginx is one of the most popular Web Servers. Try installing and configuring it on your own computer, or preferably any *nix computer you can find one.


The bored can give docker a try: https://www.docker.com/blog/how-to-use-the-official-nginx-docker-image/

Lab Report

Prepare a Lab Report together as PDF structured like this Lab Assignment. You may work on the reports in flexible teams of 2-3 students.

Always put the names of all contributing people on your report.

Each one of you has to hand in the completed Report individually in moodle at the date shown in moodle.

In your report, describe what you did and what you found, as well as errors or problems you’ve encountered.