Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Sprint 01 - Building a Static Web Application


Agile Topic: Project Ideas

You will be working on one project throughout the term in a small, 3-5 person team. Collect and discuss your project ideas with other students. You can pitch your idea next week in class.

Write up a short project proposal for discussion in the next lab meeting, possibly together with other students. Develop some user stories for the product backlog. After this discussion we will decide on the different projects and the associated teams for the remainder of this class.

Don’t worry about writing too many stories, or too complex ones. You don’t need to implement all of them - and it will be easier if you have several to choose from for the sprints. You order your backlog by business value now; but you will pick stories that can be implemented with the technologies we learn(ed) during the week for each sprint.

The scope of the user stories should cover the following technical topics:

  • one or more model class can be created, read, updated and deleted
  • a user model with user authentication is implemented
  • some form of real-time communication is supported (e.g. a chat or notification service)
  • a REST API is available to retrieve data in a JSON format

Try to sketch something that has these elements in it. It’s ok if your idea is more complex - you will not need to implement all aspects that you describe now.

Development Topic: Building a Static Web Application

During the first week, you will work individually. Install Node and create a first (pure) node app that serves at least one static html file. Follow the tutorial in unit 01 (lessons 3-7) in the book.

If you want, you can use your static html site to visualize your project idea.

Topic of the Week

Building a static web app:

  • Create a simple node app without any other framework
  • Work with git
  • Tag the version where the sprint was completed with “sprint_01”
  • Include the repo url in your status report (you can use any service, e.g. https://gitlab.rz.htw-berlin.de/)
    • Please use a public repository or grant read access to the lecturer

Sprint Report

Write up a brief report containing:

  • Your name
  • The url of your git repository
  • A brief summary what you learned, and things that worked and didn’t work.
    • Why does a single HTTP request from a browser cause two invocations of the Node.js server?

and submit it as pdf or txt file to Moodle with the filename: Lastname_Firstname_Sprint01.pdf or Lastname_Firstname_Sprint01.txt.