B15 Informatik 3 (Info3)

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Lab Overview

Your time, your progress, your happyness, your responsibility

You study for your own profit and you spend a lot of time on it. So you are expected to take responsibility for your own learning and happyness, that includes

  • asking for help when you need it
  • providing anonymous feedback via Moodle
  • sharing what you wish to learn
  • sharing suggestions for improvement
  • being mentally present during the labs

What we’ll do in the labs

The labs will be divided into two parts: review of last week’s lab (about 30 min) and starting your work on the current lab (about 60 min).

Lab Review

I will roll a die to determine who is asked to present their lab solution. You can miss one time, the second time you will get a “not ok” for this lab.

Start the next Lab.

You won’t be able to finish your reports within the lab, so make sure to set apart time to work on it together during the week. You make the most of the time if you prepare by at least reading through the assignment beforehand.


(see schedule )


You are required to work on the exercises and turn them in teams of 3 people (Exceptions are ok for 4 people).

You prepare & hand in a report together and hand it in individually to Moodle - each one of you hands in the identical PDF individually. You are free to organize & switch your teams freely. The only requirement is that all Team Member names are stated on the top of the report.


You need to

  • work with repositories when producing code. Share a link to your repository in the Moodle hand in field (the text field)
  • write a report about what you did and your results. Upload your report in the Moodle hand in field (the file field)


I trust you to have a feeling for what belongs in a good report. The following requirements of form are new and prepare you for scientific work:

  • You write in correct, complete sentences
  • You write about facts and your tone is neutral
  • Your argumentation is logical
  • You cite your sources appropriately (How to do that?)
  • You don’t write more than necessary
  • You write either in German or English, you don’t mix languages.