B15 Informatik 3 (Info3)

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

3 - Python Project

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As always, you need to prepare a report together and each hand in this same report in moodle.

The Report should contain:

  • names of all team members
  • a log of what you did
  • notes of commands used & learned
  • references to sources used
  • encountered issues and the solutions found or
  • why you gave up on something - see below
  • a brief overall reflection on the lab. This can be done together or individually.

Part 0: Python Project Ideas Pitch and Group Selection

Bring your Project Ideas to the Lab. You can pitch your project ideas in the beginning of the lab and form teams based on interest just for this project.

For inspiration read through the Table of Contents of Automate the Boring Stuff with Python by Al Sweigart.

Part 1: Use Cases

Clarify the goals of your project with a use case diagram and textual description of the use case. Use the examples in the slides as a guideline.

Your project does not need to be large, but complex enough to need at least one command line parameter.

Part 2: Brief Design

Even with small scripts it may be useful to do a bit of up-front design. Write down some pseudocode, identify methods, maybe even classes. Feel free to use simple class and sequence diagrams for the design.

Use argparse to read the parameters from the command line.

Part 3: Development

Set up a Git(hub) repository and write your script!

Part 4: For the bored

How do you test your script? Can you write Unit Tests for it?

Logs of Failure are Useful


Write Up and Hand in.

  1. Provide Names of all Group Members and the Github URL of your repository (e.g. https://github.com/htw-imi-info3)

  2. Upload the Report as PDF.

The lab is due at 22:00 on the evening before your next lab.