Sprint 03 - Adding Views to the Express App
Agile Topic: Scrum Master
Name a Scrum Master from your team and have this person coordinate team meetings, such as the daily scrum.
Development Topic: Adding Views to the Express App
Add views and error handling to your application using Express.js (lessons 10, 11 and 12 of unit 2). If you’ve already created views in Sprint 01, you can migrate them to the Express app. Chose one or more stories where you can make use of the two new technological topics you’ve learned in Unit 2: View Templates and Dynamic Content.
Topic of the Week
View templates and dynamic content:
- Choose and implement stories according to this week’s topic. Look at your backlog and choose one or more stories that requires you to create a view (if you already have one, a different one). Implement it using layouts and partials.
- Find a story that can make use of passing content from the controller to the view and displaying it with a view template.
- Work with git. Create a branch for each story and merge it into master with a merge commit like “Story_001 Overview of Study Program”
- You may also clean your git history to just have one commit per story.
- Tag the version where the sprint was completed with “Sprint_03”
- Include the repo url in your status report (you can use any service, e.g. https://gitlab.rz.htw-berlin.de/)
- Please use a public repository or grant read access to the lecturer
Status Report
Write up a brief status report containing:
- Your project name
- The names of all team members
- The backlog as a text file
- The stories you’ve implemented in this sprint
- A reflection on any technical issues that you have encountered and how you resolved them (or not)
- Which technical components of your app would need to be adapted for your web site to be usable on a smart phone?
- The url of your git repositories
and submit it as .txt or .pdf to Moodle with the filename Group_<X>_Project_<Y>_Sprint03.pdf or Group_<X>_Project_<Y>_Sprint03.txt.