Sprint 05 - Understanding Promises
Agile Topic: Sprint Backlog
Select items from the product backlog for the sprint backlog. Define a sprint goal by focussing on “what” should be delivered.
Development Topic: Understanding Promises
Based on lessons 15-16 of Unit 3, add controllers and promises to coordinate your interaction with the database.
Topic of the Week
- Add controllers and promises to your application to coordinate your interaction with the database.
- Work with git. Create a branch for each story and merge it into master with a merge commit like “Story_001 Overview of Study Program”
- You may also clean your git history to just have one commit per story.
- Tag the version where the sprint was completed with “Sprint_05”
- Include the repo url in your status report (you can use any service, e.g. https://gitlab.rz.htw-berlin.de/)
- Please use a public repository or grant read access to the lecturer
Status Report
Write up a brief status report containing:
- Your project name
- The names of all team members
- The backlog as a text file
- The stories you’ve implemented in this sprint
- A reflection on any technical issues that you have encountered and how you resolved them (or not)
- What race conditions could occur in your application if you would refrain from using promises?
- The url of your git repositories
and submit it as .txt or .pdf to Moodle with the filename Group_<X>_Project_<Y>_Sprint05.pdf or Group_<X>_Project_<Y>_Sprint05.txt.