Informatics 1 (WS2012/2013)

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin


Info 1 is an introduction to object-oriented programming using the Java language. In this class we will be using BlueJ as the main development environment and learn about writing little programs, designing simple algorithms, about control structures, data types and structures, objects and classes. The class consists of 2x2h of lectures and 2h of lab, all happening on Thursdays. You’ll find all information about the when & where in LSF:  SULab.


Programming is something you can’t learn out of a book – you have try out things yourself and practice! Therefore, this class will have lots of exercises. You need to hand in and be able to present at least 8 out of 12 Exercises to be allowed to the Exam, and 11 to get full Points. Exercises are due Wednesday nights at 11 p.m. / 23:00.

  • please find the exercises in the menu on the left!

Important Links

  • [Moodle][3]
  • Veranstaltung in LSF: SU, Übungen
  • Grading Scale
  • Code Examples: GitHub, [inclass examples][6]


Java-Tutorials and Book

There are tons of Java Tutorials out there on the web, my recommendation are the Tutorials by Sun/now Oracle;** especially the Trail “Learning the Java Language”. **

Book: D. Barnes; M. Kölling: Objects first with Java. A Practical Introduction using BlueJ; Pearson Education. 5th edition. German translation: Barnes, David J., Kölling, Michael: Java lernen mit BlueJ. Pearson, 2009, 4. Auflage.