B15 Informatik 3 (Info3)

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Exercise 10 - Rails first steps

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In this exercise, you will create a rails application and add one or two features to it in which you work with the Model, View and Controller.

Pick one simple thing that you can solve mainly with the provided CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) features of a rails scaffold using just one model class. If the first things seems to simple for that, add a second – but the goal is really to implement just a little bit of functionality in this first step and mainly set up the whole rails app together with Continuous Integration – we will add Continuous Deployment in the next exercise.

We will do the steps together in the lab, this semester’s example app will be


update 17.1.2014: had to move the rep to owner bkleinen to register it on travis. https://github.com/bkleinen/songbook

  1. Create a rails application
  2. set up rspec and capybara for testing
  3. Share the rails app on github
  4. Create your model classes using rails generate scaffold
  5. create many small commits:
  6. Develop your story test driven.
  7. Continuous Integration: copy the .travis.yml travis setup and register your repository with travis.
  8. Create a Landing Page mapping root_path to a new controller action implementing a little feature, e.g. counting or summarizing your data in any way, or just showing the latest added something.

Submit a short PDF summary containing:

  • the story/feature you’ve implemented
  • the model you used (that is, the one or two model classes in a class diagram)
  • a link to your github repository with a link to the travis build in its readme.