B15 Informatik 3 (Info3)

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Tentative Schedule

WeekKWTuesdayFridayLecture TopicLabGroup
-———-———-Part 1: Intro, Tools & Ruby
14109/10/2014Intro to Info3
10/10/2014Ruby IntroInstallation Party 14:00-15:30 WH-C 537 for both groups!both
24216/10/2014Source Code Management and Continuous Integration
17/10/2014More Ruby, Pair Programming and Code Review1 - Lab Startup and Ruby Finger Exercises1. Gruppe
-———-———-Part 2: Software Engineering, Processes and Software Design
34323/10/2014Practical Git
24/10/2014Software Engineering and Software Development Processes1 - Lab Startup and Ruby Finger Exercises2. Gruppe
44430/10/2014Agile Manifesto, Scrum (Scrum Ceremonies and Sprints)
31/10/2014The Rational Unified Process, Requirements Engineering2 - Use Cases and Class Diagrams1. Gruppe
54506/11/2014System Modelling and Architectural Design
07/11/2014Software Design Patterns2 - Use Cases and Class Diagrams2. Gruppe
64613/11/2014e-learning: Refactoring
14/11/2014Application Architectures3 - Sequence Diagrams and State Machine Diagrams1. Gruppe
74720/11/2014Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture(POEAA)
21/11/2014Distributed Systems and SOA3 - Sequence Diagrams and State Machine Diagrams2. Gruppe
84827/11/2014Software Testing
28/11/2014Working with Legacy Code4 - Testing1. Gruppe
94904/12/2014Clean Code
05/12/2014Clean Code4 - Testing2. Gruppe
105011/12/2014SOLID Principles, Refactoring to Patterns
12/12/2014OO In Depth 1: Composition and Inheritance5 - Legacy Code - Refactoring to Patterns1. Gruppe
115118/12/2015fällt aus
19/12/2014fällt ausfällt aus - bitte am 12.12. oder 9.1. in die Übung kommen 5 - Legacy Code - Refactoring to Patterns2. Gruppe
120208/01/2015OO In Depth 2: Ruby Dynamic Typing, Duck Typing
09/01/2015Rails Dash and Preparation for the Rails Project6 - Rails First Steps1. Gruppe
130315/01/2015Introduction to Rails, POEAA Revisited, Model View Controller
16/01/2015ORM and Associations in Rails6 - Rails First Steps2. Gruppe
140422/01/2015Internationalization and Localization
23/01/2015Dependency Management and Working with APIs7 - Rails Associations and Internationalization1. Gruppe
150529/01/2015Build Management, Continuous Deployment
30/01/2015Klausurvorbereitung7 - Rails Associations and Internationalization2. Gruppe
160605/02/2015No Lecture (Prüfungszeit)
06/02/2015Klausur 14:00 - 17:15 (vor. 2 Gruppen; genaue Zeit wird kurzfristig festgelegt)
13/02/2015Showtime ?