Informatics 1 is an introduction to object-oriented programming using the Java language. In this class we will be using BlueJ as the main development environment and learn about writing programs, designing simple algorithms, about control structures, data types and structures, objects and classes. We will start off in Greenfoot, though, teaching a little lady bug to complete simple tasks by programming our first algorithms.
This class will be held in german, but all (or almost all) written material will be in English. You are free to choose either language for your written assignments; as long as you don’t switch languages within one sentence and do your best to adhere to the grammar and spelling rules of the respective language.
The class consists of 2x2h of lectures and 2h of lab per week. Find the details in LSF.
Your grade in Info1 will be a weighted mixture of the evaluated elements of the course (Lecture summaries, lab reports and exam). The partial grades will be assessed as follows and then graded according to the [Grading Scale]({{ site.BaseURL }}/studies/grading/grading-scale):
- Lecture summaries: 10%
- Lab reports: 40%
- Exam: 60%
Lecture summaries
In the Moodle collaboration room you can find a section called “Lecture summaries”. You are expected to write 5-10 complete sentences summarizing each lecture.
It is due at 23.00 the Monday for both lectures of the past week. It is either done or not done. I expect you to do 20 out of all (which will be slightly more) to get the full 10% If I find plagiarisms of lecture summaries (especially from the Wikipedia), you will not get any credit for any lecture summary.
Lab Reports
You find detailled information about them on the Lab Page
There will be a 2-hour online examination at the end of the term. We will have 2 shifts of exams, Group 1 and Group 2. The examination will cover Java programming and conceptual understanding in ways that may be difficult to assess during the laboratory sessions. The exam will be an on-line exam with two parts, a multiple-choice part and an essay / programming part. Please consult LSF for the definite date and time.
Tutorial and Lernzentrum
If you struggle with this class, need more support with the exercises or simply don’t like studying alone: There is a tutorial held by Alexander Becker and the Lernzentrum Informatik that offer opportunities to practice.
- Tutorial: Thurdays 15:45-17:15 WH-C 576 (Alexander Becker) Homepage
Java-Tutorials and Book
Most of this lecture will be based on: D. Barnes; M. Kölling: Objects first with Java. A Practical Introduction using BlueJ; Pearson Education. 5th edition.
German translation: Barnes, David J., Kölling, Michael: Java lernen mit BlueJ. Pearson, 2012, 5. Auflage. Pearson
You can also obtain an older edition - examples and chapter order vary, but the general content is the same.
There are tons of Java Tutorials out there on the web, my recommendation are the Tutorials by Sun/now Oracle; especially the Trail “Learning the Java Language”, as they are very concise and comprehensive.
Important Links and Further Information
On the top of the page you find a couple of links you’ll find you’ll be using a lot during the term:
Information on this class is dispersed depending on the nature of the information and wether it should be public or not.
- These pages for publicly accessible information, especially the Schedule, Lab exercises, or further general information as the [Grading Scale]({{ site.BaseURL }}/studies/grading/grading-scale)
- Moodle (link above) for all Information that cannot be made publicly available and for handing in your lecture notes and lab reports
- Github for publicly accessible code examples used in the lecture and the assignments (you don’t need to know how to use git to use github - note the “download as zip” buttons on the starting page of each repository!)
- last not least LSF System, where you can find class times and rooms. Note that is possible to see the general schedule for your Semester (Term Schedule above) and also Schedules for all people teaching (Dozentenpläne) - this is often the fastest way to find out the room for your next class.