WT1 Web Applications

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Web Applications WS2015/2016 - Homework 1


Homework for Week 1

  1. Project description: Describe your Project on about half a page in complete sentences.
  2. Create a github repository and list your project in the wiki: https://github.com/htw-imi-wt1wa-ws2015/rails-projects/wiki
  3. Create Use Case Scenarios accompanied with Screen Scribbles for at least one Use Case per Person.
  4. Design a Domain Model for your Project. Document it using UML. It should show the associations between the Model classes.
  5. Create a Rails app and your models. You can use the scaffold generator. You need not yet add the associations in the Rails app.
  6. Tag your project: “WEEK01” and upload it to github.
  7. Put your project description, Use Case and Class Diagrams and Scenarios into a PDF-Report and upload it to moodle.