- Exercise 01 - Installation, Git and Ruby
- Exercise 02 - Use Cases and Class Diagrams
- Exercise 03 - Sequence Diagrams and State Machine Diagrams
- Exercise 04 - Testing
- Exercise 05 - Legacy Code - Refactoring to Patterns
- Exercise 06 - Rails First Steps
- Exercise 07 - Rails Associations and Internationalization
In the Info3 lab, we will do quite different things:
- Design a Software System with the UML
- Practice Software Testing
- Fix a weird piece of legacy software
- Get our feet wet with Ruby and Ruby on Rails and marvel at the patterns we find in there
There will be 7 exercises. The exercises will either be written reports - lab reports - or the documents you produce in your design with UML, usually not the source code itself. I might, however, ask to turn it in as well.
You are required to work on the exercises and turn them in groups of 3 people. Submissions are done in Moodle, no late submissions are allowed this term. Always hand in what you have on time.