Web Applications WS2019/2020 - Homework 8
Homework for Week 10 / Sprint 6
You just keep working on your Project, one Story in your Backlog at a time:
- include the backlog in your report. For each story, list
- its number/id
- its name
- storypoints
- sprint(s) it was/is in (eg. sprint3, or: sprint4(committed, but not completed) sprint5 (completed) etc.)
- include your level of done in each report, such that I don’t have to search for it. (you should have that starting with sprint4)
- for each story you’ve been working on, write down acceptance criteria.
- tests for the stories should be included both in level of done and the acceptance criteria.
- report on what worked, what didn’t, how you solved especially difficulties.
- for the described tasks, please include a link to the main file(s) you needed to change for that or make the changes clearly visible in a commit comment (e.g. “Story #38: created search box”) and note that in your report.
- Tag your project: “SPRINT6” and push it to github (or another git server). Provide a link in your report.
- Upload your PDF-Report to moodle. Your Report should describe what you did, problems you’ve encountered and how you solved them - and the project description, the backlog and the stories you worked on during the sprint. See the details above!