Web Applications WS2019/2020 - Homework 5
Homework for Week 5 / Sprint 1
- Provide a short description for your Project: Goals/Vision, which Technologies you want to use.
- Create a backlog for your Project. See https://www.mountaingoatsoftware.com/blog/a-sample-format-for-a-spreadsheet-based-product-backlog for an example. Make sure your stories have an ID and that you have a way to prioritize your backlog.
- Decide on one, two or a few stories you want to start with. You’re still learning the technology, but you should have a goal you’re aiming at.
- Mark those stories as being part of Sprint 1 either in the backlog or in some other way.
- Make sure to mark the basic installation as your “initial commit” and document each step with a commit reading something like “Story 4711: did this and that”
- Use the simple git workflow described in the links below to generate merges per story.
- Tag your project: “SPRINT1” and push it to github (or another git server). Provide a link in your report.
- Upload your PDF-Report to moodle. Your Report should describe what you did, problems you’ve encountered and how you solved them - and the project description, the backlog and the stories you worked on during the sprint.
###Simple Git Workflow:
https://gist.github.com/bkleinen/9790495e0be2c0aa338c or, if you want to share your feature branch and maybe even chip in pull requests: https://blogs.atlassian.com/2014/01/simple-git-workflow-simple/