Web Technology 2 - Usability
Important note: I’ll probably open a second Lab for the class such that all interested can get a spot.
If you want to get in you need to attend in the first week (9.10.) to hear the plan for the class and in the second week (16.10, if you’re still interested) for topics and group assignments. We will split the lab in two groups after that if still necessary.
Grades and Exam
There will be 4 Group Assignments in the Lab:
You need to hand in all reports, one report may be late with a penalty of 0.3 grades.
The lab is a non-graded “TeilmodulprĂĽfung”. If you pass the lab, the exam grade will be your overall grade. If you fail the Lab, it will count with a 5.0 towards the overall grade.
There will be a Moodle Exam at the end of the Term.