WT2 WS 2019/20

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Assignment 02

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User Research: Contextual Interviews and Personas


Conduct Contextual Interviews. Each person in the team should conduct one Interview of about an hour.

Interpretation Sessions

You conduct one interpretation session for each interview. The whole team participates in the interpretation session! You’ll probably need more time than just the time in the lab for the interpretation sessions.


Create an Affinity Diagram.


Define Personas as described in Chapter 3 in Cooper: About Face.

What to hand in

Your reports, uploaded as pdf to moodle, should include

  • the project title & focus
  • the names of all team members
  • the persona hypothesis
  • a list of the conducted interviews
  • the results of the interpretation session
  • a photo and the categories of your affinity
  • your Personas

you create one PDF in the group with all names, and each member of the group needs to upload this (same) report to moodle