Assignment 07 - Search & Sort, Internationalization
Part 1: Add a Sort or Search Functionality
Each Group should add a sort or search functionality to one of the resources pages of the HTW app. We will coordinate the tasks using issues on the repository, see, and also coordinate within the lab.
See the Guide on the Active Record Query Interface - it contains all necessary information on how to query and sort Pumpkins and other stuff.
*** remember to make use of all the great pumpkins (and other test data) all of you added with their pull request you can use to populate your database! ***
rake db:seed
(after updating from the main/upstream repository, see
Select any issue with the Label Sort&Search and make sure that one of your group is assigned to it.
Part 2: Internationalization
Each group should internationalize and localize one page of the app. Alternatively, you can decide to add a special localization.
Again, coordinate using Github issues with the label “Internationalization”.
Part 3: Some more functionality
Add a little bit more of functionality to the app. There are some example issues labeled with “a little functionality”,
Report / What to hand in
The resulting app should be workable, but you do not need to spend time on the layout!
Hand in one file: a pdf documenting what you’ve implemented – with a link to your fork and to the pull request you’ve sent for the different parts.
Make sure to work in small increments, and integrate the source often.