B15 Informatik 3 (Info3)

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin


WeekKWDateLecture TopicLab
140Tue 01/10/2024Hochschultag– no lecture –
Thu 03/10/2024Feiertag– no lecture –
241Tue 08/10/2024Introduction to Info3, Source Code Management
Thu 10/10/2024Source Code Management (GIT) and How to learn PythonLab 1: Python, Git, Project Concept
342Tue 15/10/2024Introduction to Software Engineering and Software Development Processes
Thu 17/10/2024UML & System Modeling, Use Cases and User StoriesLab 1: Python, Git, Project Concept
443Tue 22/10/2024More UML
Wed 23/10/2024Agile Development, Scrum
Thu 24/10/2024Requirements EngineeringLab 2: Django
544Tue 29/10/2024Software Design Patterns (GOF)
Tue 29/10/2024Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (POEAA)
Thu 31/10/2024Agile Testing Practices, Code QualityLab 2: Django
645Tue 05/11/2024keine Vorlesung!e-learning
Thu 07/11/2024keine Vorlesung!e-learningLab 3: Personas, Use Case Diagrams, Scenarios
746Tue 12/11/2024keine Vorlesung!e-learning
Thu 14/11/2024keine Vorlesung!e-learningLab 3: Personas, Use Case Diagrams, Scenario
847Tue 19/11/2024keine Vorlesung!vorverlegt auf Wed 23/10/2024
Thu 21/11/2024keine Vorlesung!vorverlegt auf Tue 29/10/2024Lab4: Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams
948Tue 26/11/2024e-learning reviews
Thu 28/11/2024SOLID PrinciplesLab4: Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams
1049Tue 03/12/2024OO In Depth: Composition and Inheritance, Dynamic Typing, Duck Typing
Thu 05/12/2024More on Inheritance, Composition and Inheritance (Poodr Chapter 8)Lab5: Project Set-Up: Templates, Views, Routes & Data Model
1150Tue 10/12/2024Legacy Code & Refactoring
Thu 12/12/2024Refactoring to PatternsLab5: Project Set-Up: Templates, Views, Routes & Data Model
1251Tue 17/12/2024Continuous Integration & Deployment
Thu 19/12/2024Internationalization and LocalizationLab6: Implementation (asynchronous)
52Tue 24/12/2024Winterpause– no lecture –
Thu 26/12/2024Winterpause– no lecture –
1Tue 31/12/2024Winterpause– no lecture –
Thu 02/01/2025Winterpause– no lecture –
132Tue 07/01/2025(ausgefallen)
Thu 09/01/2025(ausgefallen)Lab6: Implementation (asynchronous - start earlier if you can)
143Tue 14/01/2025Dependencies & how to test and handle them
Thu 16/01/2025Application ArchitecturesLab7: Review, Retrospective (asynchronous)
154Tue 21/01/20251.PZApplication Architecture / Repetition
Thu 23/01/20251.PZProbeklausurLab7: Review, Retrospective (asynchronous)
165Tue 28/01/20251.PZRepetition
Thu 30/01/20251.PZExam 10-12Exam
176Tue 04/02/20251.PZ– no lecture –
Thu 06/02/20251.PZKlausureinsicht WH-C 537
Fri 07/02/20251.PZ10:00 Showtime in H001!Lab 8: Showtime