Assignment 05 - Read and Summarize a Book
Read and Summarize one of the Books below. If you’d rather read a book not on the list(with a comparable scope and relevance) send me an email and I may add it to the list.
The summary can be short - more of an overview with only the main parts or examples summarized in greater detail. Do at least a part of it as a sketchnote. If you haven’t worked with Sketchnotes before, the video from the intro at re:publica 2016 should provide you with enough information.
Sketchnote Resources
- re:publica 2016 – Sketchnotes für Einsteiger (2016). Available at: (Accessed: 6 March 2020).
- Appelt, R. (2013) ‘Sketchnoting – kostenloses E-book und WebTalk’, #pb21 | Web 2.0 in der politischen Bildung, 17 April. Available at: (Accessed: 6 March 2020).
- Appelt, R. (2014a) ‘Barcamp Dokumentation Flipchart Template’,, 23 September. Available at: (Accessed: 6 March 2020).
- Appelt, R. (2014b) Barcamp Session Dokumentation [photo]. Available at: (Accessed: 6 March 2020).
- Beck, K. and Andres, C. (2004) Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, 2nd Edition. 2nd edition. Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley.
- Beck, K. (2023) Tidy First? O’Reilly Media. Available at: (Accessed: 23 January 2024). (very brief - read Gamma Beck (1998) additionally)
- Butcher, P. (2014) Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks: When Threads Unravel. Pragmatic Bookshelf. Available at:
- Cockburn, A. (2001) Agile Software Development. Boston: Addison-Wesley.
- Duvall, P.M. (2007) Continuous Integration. Pearson Education (A Martin Fowler signature book). Available at:
- Evans (2003) Domain-Driven Design: Tacking Complexity In the Heart of Software. USA: Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.
- Feathers, M.C. (2013) Working Effectively with Legacy Code. 14. edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Addison-Wesley.
- Fields, J. et al. (2013) Refactoring: Ruby Edition. 1st edn. Addison-Wesley Professional.
- Fowler, M. (2002) Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture. USA: Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.
- Fowler, M. (2003) UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language. 3rd edition. Boston, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Professional. Available at:
- Fowler, M. (2019) Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code. 2nd edition. Boston Columbus New York San Francisco Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Munich: Addison Wesley. Available at:
- Gamma, E. et al. (1997) Design Patterns. Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. 1st ed., Reprint edition. Reading, Mass: Prentice Hall.
- Gamma, E. and Beck, K. (1998) JUnit Test Infected: Programmers Love Writing Tests. Available at: (Accessed: 18 October 2024). (very brief - read Beck (2023) additionally)
- Hoffmann, K. (2025) Real World Event Sourcing. The Pragmatic Programmers. Available at:
- Humble, J. and Farley, D. (2010) Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation. 1st edn. Addison-Wesley Professional.
- Martin, R.C. (2003) Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices. USA: Prentice Hall PTR. Available at:
- Martin, R.C. (2008) Clean code: a handbook of agile software craftsmanship. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. Available at:
- Martin, R.C. (2017) Clean Architecture: A Craftsman’s Guide to Software Structure and Design: A Craftsman’s Guide to Software Structure and Design. 1st edition. Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City São Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo: Addison-Wesley.
- Metz, S. (2013) Practical object-oriented design in ruby: an agile primer by Sandi Metz. Addison-Wesley. Available at:
- Redmond, E. and Wilson, J.R. (2012) Seven Databases in Seven Weeks: A Guide to Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement. Pragmatic Bookshelf.
- Sadalage, P.J. and Fowler, M. (2012) NoSQL Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of Polyglot Persistence. 1st edn. Addison-Wesley Professional.
- Shore, J. and Warden, S. (2021) The Art of Agile Development. 2nd edition. O’Reilly Media.
- Tate, B.A. (2010) Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: A Pragmatic Guide to Learning Programming Languages. 1st edn. Pragmatic Bookshelf.
- Thomas, D. and Hunt, D. (2019) The Pragmatic Programmer, 20th Anniversary Edition. The Pragmatic Programmers. Available at: