Hugo Markdown
Material in Tags: Markdown Tools: HugoThis is something in between a playground and a cheatsheet for hugo markdown.
Markdown in Hugo
strikethroughnot strikethrough
Ordered Lists
- One
- Ident Sublists 4 Spaces or 1 Tab more
- Numbering does not have to be correct in the source
- But the first number matters
- second 42 is not a 42
- Without a one it is not even recognized as a list 42. But the first number matters 42. second 42 is not a 43
- Two
Code in Lists
- One
- Ident Sublists 4 Spaces or 1 Tab more
- Numbering does not have to be correct in the source
But the first number matters
second 42 is not a 42
some code with in a list has to be indented 8 spaces
- Without a one it is not even recognized as a list
some code inline
- But the first number matters
- second 42 is not a 43
- Two