Notes on Sketchnotes
Material in Courses: Info1 Tags: SketchnotesTo get started with sketchnotes, I recommend one of the sketchnote workshops held at Re:publica (about 1h):
- the one at Republica 2015 is great, but the sketches on the flipcarts are sometimes hard to see.
- in 2016 they projected the sketchnotes, but mirror-inverted :)
If you want to dig deeper:
- Martin Rhode coined the term with “The Sketchnote Handbook”
- Kathy Schrock on Sketchnoting in Education - with lots of resources
- Über Sketchnotes, lehren und lernen
On Visual Notetaking in General
- Wie Zeichnen beim Merken hilft, Graham Shaw, TEDxVienna
- and, last not least: Ottis kleine Malstunde