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STAGING --- Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Information zu Abschlussarbeiten

My main areas of interest areWeitere Informationen zu Abschlussarbeiten
* Web Technology        * Zur Betreuung von Abschlußarbeiten
* Software Engineering* How to Abschlussarbeit
* Usability / User Centered Design* Hinweise zum Kolloqium
* Web Accessability* Info auf FB4 Seite
* Continuous Delivery and DevOps* Info auf HTW Seite
* Agile Development
* Collaborative Learning

Finding a Topic

My main interest is supervising theses that are tackling a real-world question you encountered e.g. during your internship or at your workplace. These theses are typically supervised by someone from that company as the second supervisor.

Topics may be:

  • accessing and improving some part of a software development or delivery process
  • exploring new technology or a new combination of technology to achieve a certain goal (of interest within that company)
  • working on accessability or usability issues in the context of the company and their software

Theses topics should be clearly differentiated from typical development tasks within the company. They should explore a new topic or try to answer a previously unanswered question within the context of work.

If you want to write your thesis supervised by me, please register for my office hours:

Office Hours can be found in the WIKI. Please register there for appointments.

Topic Ideas will be added soon