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Info2 Sommersemester 2015

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Info2 SS2015 - Labs and Exercises


After having a look into designing an object-oriented application in lab 1 and 2, we will do a lot of small-scale programming in Java during this term. As in Info1, each lab has a pre-lab part, that you are expected to do before coming to the lab, an assignment that you work on during the lab. Usually, you’re expected to turn in a report on what you did during the lab.

There are a couple of important changes for the labs compared with Info1:

  1. You are required to work on the exercises and turn them in in pairs (2 people). Submissions are done in Moodle, no late submissions this term. Always hand in what you have on time. Each of the two members in a pair hand in the same report; if only your pair uploads it, you won’t get points for it.

  2. You are required to be able to present/explain your work in the following lab (“review”). How this is done will change from lab to lab, depending on the topic of the lab: one of you might be randomly chosen to present the work, I might talk to each or some of you individually, or it might even be a little quizz in moodle which should be easy to solve if you did the lab exercise.

[Last semesters, I found it necessary to clarify some more things about the reports.]({{ site.BaseURL }}/studies/grading/guideline)