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B7 Informatics 2 SoSe 2020

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin


This course is an introduction to algorithms and data structures. It will be taught in English and German with all written material in English. It will be taught using the Java programming language, but it is not about the language. Mastery of basic Java syntax as taught in Informatik I is assumed. We learned primitive data types, statements and rules, interfaces and classes in Informatik I. We will now be looking at more complex data structures and algorithms which work on these data structures.

In particular we will be concentrating on how to solve (small) problems using a programming language. At the end of the semester there will be an introduction to another Programming Language - e.g. Python - so that you get a feel for the language and learn something about differences in programming languages.

Have a look at how this breaks down on this (tentative) Schedule.

A Summer Term in a Closed University

Due to the regulations to avoid faster spread of the COVID-19 virus (see ) most of the summer term will probably held remote.

We will do this as a kind of remote flipped classroom: We will provide materials you need to prepare before the lecture and the lab. Lecture and Labs are mainly to ask and discuss questions. We will do that with various means, starting with a simple Moodle Chat.

Thus, class and lab schedule will remain unchanged. Although you are free to work on the material any time you want, it will be best if you do that at the same time as your group and the time we are available and will answer questions immediately.

The schedule might be adapted to accommodate distance learning due to the COVID-19 Situation.

The materials will be provided via Moodle. (there’s a direct link in the menu bar).

Meetings/Weekly Schedule

The class consists of 2x2h of lectures and 2h of lab. The Lab will be held by Linda Fernsel. Please refer to the LSF for time and location information (link above in the External Links menu).


There will be a tutorial held by Lotte Unckell. The Tutorial will be on Thursdays, 16.30 - 18.00.

Grades & Exam

Update April 28th, 2020

For passing Info2, you need to pass three parts (Teilmodulprüfungen)

  • the Lab (“Programmierübungen mit Rücksprache”) - Modulbegleitend, unbewertet
  • Moodle Quizzes - Modulbegleitende Prüfungsleistung, bewertet, optional
  • the Exam - Modulabschlussprüfung


Variante 1: 1/3 Klausur 1/3 Quizzes zu den Labs 1/3 Labs

Variante 2: 2/3 Klausur 1/3 Labs


  • Je Lab Report bewertet mit “ok” 2.6 Punkte
  • 4 Reports dürfen zu spät abgegeben werden, falls mit ok bewertet trotzdem 2.6 Punkte

Lecture Notes:

  • 8% für beide Varianten
  1. Prüfungsmöglichkeit im PZ2:

Wurde im PZ1 nicht an den Quizzes teilgenommen, steht für PZ2 nur die Variante2 zur Verfügung. Wiederholung der studienbegleitenden Teilmodulprüfung “Labs” im 2. PZ nach persönlicher Rücksprache durch eine Hausarbeit in entsprechenden Umfang.

I will automatically choose the option which results in the better grade for each student. If you want to choose one of the options actively, just send me an email.

Note that as all, Lab Reports, Quizzes and the Exam are parts of the “Modulprüfung”, cheating on any of them will result in a 5,0 (nicht bestanden) for the whole module and use up one of the three possible tries for this module.


There’ll be 13 exercises and you’ll have to hand in a lab report for each. All info on the labs can be found on the Labs page.


Starting April 30, there will be brief Quizzes in Moodle at the beginning of each lecture.

  • Tuesdays are about the labs that were handed in before that Tuesday, 3 Points
  • Thursdays are about recent lecture topics, 2 Points

For hints on the topics, see the Schedule. This adds up to 10x5P = 50P.


There will be a remote open-book examination consisting of a Moodle Quiz and programming assignments at the end of the term.

Lecture/Topic Notes

Upload your personal Notes in Moodle to gain a maximum of additional 8% bonus.

Examinations for Students who already took Info2

If you already took an Info2 class (with Prof. Zhang or Prof. Weber-Wulff) and completed the lab reports/exercise part there, you can skip the lab reports.

To do so, you have to

  • send an email to the other Professor asking them to send your lab grades to me
  • send me an email asking to accept them (you can do both in one email).

You have to do that at the beginning of the term, within the first or second week. I will individually decide on the terms for grading (e.g., if the labs were graded and counting 50% to the grade I might decide to apply that grading scheme) and you will want to know this decision beforehand.

Whether you attend the lectures or not, is your own decision, but note that the content of Info2 might differ. It’s your responsibility to inform yourself about the topics covered.