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B7 Informatics 2 SoSe 2020

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Info2 WS2018 Topics and Grading

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With questions

Sum: 115% - There might be questions that count in two categories - eg. the Complexity of a searching algorithm.

115Lecture Topic
10Properties, especially Complexity of Algorithms
20Abstract Data Types / Data Structures
- Queue, Stack, List, Set, Directory/Map, Bags, Trees, Binary Search Trees, AVL Trees
- The Java Collection Framework
15Graphs and Graph Algorithms
Graph Data Structure
Graph Algorithms: Breath-First and Depth-First Search
paths Dijkstra: cheapest path between start and end
202-3 aus:
File I/O andNetworking in Java (Sockets)
Maximum Contiguous Subsequence Sum
Divide & Conquer
Random numbers, Probabilistic Algorithms
Finite State Automata (Grammars)
25Sorting: pseudocode / in worten beschreiben oder daran erkennen, manual
- Radixsort l * n
- Mergesort n log n
- Quicksort n log n
- Heapsort n log n
- Insertion Sort
- Bogo Sort
- Selection Sort
- Cocktail Shaker
15Searching and String Searching
- Binary Search
- Linear Search
- String Searching
- KMP (Skip Searching)

Draft done in class 4.1.2019