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M1 Media Programming: Web Technology

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin


This pages introduce you to the web application part of the “Epochenunterricht” in M1 Mediaprogramming. The Epochenunterricht consists of 3 x 5 laboratory sessions for the three study focuses Web Technology, Visual Computing and Game Technology respectively. Have a look at the tentative complete schedule to see how this breaks down.

What we will do in the Web Technology Part

This term, we will focus on two topics tightly related to our web technology curriculum that are of use in all areas of computer science: Usability and publishing and deploying stuff. You will need to hand in two little projects: the results of one usability tests and something published or deployed on the web.

What you need to do to pass

This is one part of the M1 laboratory. You need to pass each of the three parts to pass the Labs altogether. There are no grades, just a “passed” or “not passed” as well as for each part as for the three parts together. You need to pass each part - Web Technology, Visual Computing and Game Technology - to pass the lab part of M1 Media Programming. There will also be questions in the exam regarding topics covered in all three lab parts.

For Web Technology, you will have to prepare and hand in 2 assignent reports. The project reports have to be prepared as PDF and describe what you did, what you learned, what worked and what didn’t work. You will find detailed instructions for each week on the assignments page. The project reports are due at 22:00 on the night before the next meeting and need to be uploaded to Moodle.