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M1 Media Programming: Web Technology

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

M1 Web Technology Topics


Discount Usability

The Nielsen Norman Group maintains a great web site with a wealth of information and material about Usability, User Centered Design and User Experience. Starting with Discount Usability 30 Years read about either - or all - the three mentioned methods: simplified user testing with 5 users, early test of paper prototypes, and heuristic evaluation. Your goal is to learn enough about either one of this three methods to apply it within a project.

Static Site Generators

  • checkout one static site generator, e.g. Hugo, Jekyll or Gatsby.
  • Work through a getting started example, e.g. Hugo Quick Start.
  • decide on a project you want to try with it and write a Notice of Intent - what you plan to do with the static web site generator and commit it to moodle till next week.
  • your project report about Static Site Generators is due till end of term (details in moodle) - describe what you did, what worked well and issues you’ve encountered, with screenshots of your project and an url if you decided to publish it.

Agile Development, DevOps and Continuous Deployment