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Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Topic 01 - Project Proposal

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Write down your project Idea as a short proposal. (1-2 Pages). You can use any kind of format. You can also include sketches how the user interface might look like.


Working through different topics of web development with node and react, you will develop a web application that has

  • at least one model class that can be created, read, updated and deleted
  • a user model
  • user authentication
  • something with real-time communication (e.g. a chat or notification service)
  • and some interactive elements created with Rest

Thus, try to sketch something that has these elements in it. It’s ok if your idea is more complex - you will not need to implement all aspects that you describe now.

Group and Hand-In

You can create project proposals for yourselves or as pairs of two. You need to upload your proposal twice to moodle:

  1. as an assignment and
  2. in the Forum named “Project Proposals for the Class and Discussion” - create a new Topic for each Proposal and paste your description directly as text.

You don’t need to have your names in the proposal, and you don’t need to work on the topic you propose now. Topics will be chosen during the next class meeting.

Make sure to check out the proposals of the others!