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Informatics 1 SoSe 2021

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Info1 - Week Plan

1. Kick off

Each Week starts on Friday 9:45 with a kick off - a brief introduction to next week’s topic and lab.

2. Individual Study (Friday - Monday)

Refer to the Schedule for the week’s topic. There may be additional material in Moodle.

  • read the weekly chapter
  • watch the videos
  • work on the worksheet
  • do the prelab
  • start with the lab exercise

3. Group Meeting (e.g. Monday or early Tuesday)

Each group should agree and commit to at least one regular slot to work together (via Zoom):

  • compare solutions to exercises, help each other, discuss open questions
  • work on the lab assignment together (program individually or in pairs)

4. Learnteam Coaching (Tuesday or Wednesday)

During the Lab Hours (Tuesday 12:15-15:30) & Wednesday Lecture (12:15-13:45) there will be scheduled Lernteam Coachings for each team.

  • present and get feedback to your lab solutions
  • clarify any open questions to the book, exercises or lab

5. Finish Lab Assignments - Labs Due: Thursday night

Use the time after the Learnteam Coaching to finish your Lab Assigments and Lab Reports. Labs Reports are due Thursday nights 22:00 and have to be handed in individally via Moodle.

(more about the Learnteamcoaching Concept for Info1 - in german)

Each Week starts on Friday 9:45 with a kick off - a brief introduction to next week’s topic and lab.