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Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

WTAT 1 - Agile Web Development Summer Term 2021


WTAT1 - Agile Web Development is a class that combines learning web development with an Agile Project.

Within the class you will design and develop a web application within a small team. Your team is free to choose the application topic of the web application, while the technologies are set.

Throughout the project, you will build features into your project that allow you to learn and practice certain aspects of web development and the technology used. See the Schedule and the Topics list for details.

The class will be conducted as Lernteamcoaching. You will study the topics first individually, then together with your team, preparing a weekly coaching session with the teacher.

Class Contents

  • Agile Development
  • Scrum Methods, Ceremonies and Artefacts
  • Web Application Basics
  • View Templates, Model View Controller
  • Node, Express, Javascript
  • Persistence, MongoDB
  • Authentication and Web Security
  • Vue.js
  • Real Time Communication/Web Sockets
  • Continuous Deployment

Class Structure

We are heading for yet another term of distance-learning. The class will be structured as Learnteam coaching - with three phases:

  1. Individual Study: you start by studying the topic of the week individually. This usually consists of reading one book chapter and about one topic on agile development.

  2. Lernteam: you work together mainly on the programming part and clarifying questions that came up during individual study. Thus, your team should commit on one weekly time slot to work together. This slot should be sometime before the Thursday meetings.

  3. Lernteam coaching: Within the learnteam coaching, you present your work and solution (in progress) and we discuss questions that came up. Lernteam coaching will be within individually scheduled appointments, scheduled via moodle, during the class hours Thu 9:45-11:15 and 12:15-13:45 Weekly status reports and final commits on the sprints are due Friday 22:00.

  4. Class meetings will be scheduled later during the Thursday time slots. (e.g. shorter ones for presentations, longer ones for retrospectives)


You need to prepare and present a short talk about one web technology-related topics in a pair (group of two). We’ll schedule these presentations individually during the learnteam-coachings.

Digital Media

Even more than usual, there will be several digital media things supporting this class. You find the links to Moodle, GitHub, the Wiki and LSF in the top menu as “External Links”.

  • The class structure, assignments and other things that can and should be publicly available are on this web page
  • Discussion Forums, Material that can’t be made publicly available, Links to Videos, Quizzes etc are in Moodle
  • Source Code will be on GitHub.
  • a Discord channel: #wtat1-sose21 in the IMI-Discord (find the invitation link in moodle)
  • Miro boards (find the links in moodle)


Prüfung im SoSe 2021:

  • Weekly Reports 12 * 2,5P- 30 % (each one turned in counts 2%) (Berichte über Laborübungen)
  • Presentation 10 %
  • Exam - 60 % (Distanzklausur, Programming)
  • 5 min Project Presentations - 5% Bonus

Wiederholungsmöglichkeiten im 2.PZ:

  • Hausarbeit Webentwicklungsprojekt zu einem gestellten Thema entsprechend den wöchentlichen Sprints im Semester 30%
  • Paper about Web-Technology Topic replacing Presentation- 10%
  • Exam - 60 % (Distanzklausur, Programming)