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Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Topic 04 - Sprint 02 - First Express App with view templates and dynamic content


Sprint 01: First Express App with View Templates and Dynamic Content

In the first sprint, you will mainly set up your express application and get set up with your backlog and project.

Set up the project and the backlog

  • set up your project and backlog in the Topic Driven Backlog Tool.
  • choose and implement stories according to this weeks topic
  • work with git. create a branch for each story and merge it into master with a merge commit like “Story_001 Overview of Study Program”
  • you may also clean your git history to just have one commit per story.
  • tag the version where the sprint was completed with “Sprint_01”
  • include the repo url in your status report (you can use any service, e.g.
    • if you have a private repository, make sure to grant me read access

Step 1: Using Express

Create a new application using express as described in the book. If you’ve already created views in Sprint 0, you can migrate them to the express app.

and migrate your existing views to the new express app. This may result in a new repository, but does not have to. Chose one or more stories where you can make use of the two new technological topics you’ve learned in Unit 2: View Templates and Dynamic Content.

Topic of the Week: View Templates and Dynamic Content

Layouts and Partials

Look at your whole backlog and choose one or more stories that requires to create a view (if you already have one, a different one), and implement it using layouts and partials.

Passing Parameters in Routes

Find one Story that can make use of a parameter passed in a route and implement it.

Displaying Dynamic Content

Find a Story that can make use of passing content from the controller to the view and displaying it with a view template.

Example: Module Database

Status Report

Write up a brief status report containing:

  • Your Project Name
  • The Names of all People on the Team
  • The Stories you’ve implemented
  • the url of your git repositories
  • The link to your Backlog

and submit it as .txt or .pdf to moodle with the Filename: Group_X_ModuleHandbook_Sprint02.pdf or Group_X_ModuleHandbook_Sprint02.txt