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Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Sprint 09 - Vue 2 - Concept

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Sprint 09: More Vue and Concept for using it in your app

Continue learning Vue by working through the tutorial. You won’t need everything, skim through parts, but make sure to set up some tests.

Think about how Vue can be used within your app and write down a concept for the components you will develop. You’ll add real time communication during the last sprint - maybe there’s an useful application for that within your app.

Setup a Vue Project using the Vue Command Line Interface (CLI)

Backlog and Report

  • include your concept, including a description and interface sketches in the report.
  • write a summary of what worked, what didn’t work and what you’ve learned as your report and upload it in the moodle area.
  • include a personal reflection about the sprint and what you’ve learned from each team member in the report.