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Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Sprint 09 - Adding Support for Passport.js

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Agile Topic: Sprint Review

Hold a sprint review meeting for the current sprint. What were the biggest technical obstacles that prevented you to reach the sprint goal? What would need to be adjusted to avoid these technical problems in the future?

Development Topic: Adding Support for Passport.js

Lessons 24 and 25 describe the use of the Node module Passport.js. Follow along by implementing a user story from your backlog that relies on user authentication, either by means of the “local” strategy or by means of an external authentication provider (not covered in the book).

Topic of the Week


  • Find a user stories which relies on authenticated users and implement it with the help of the Passport library. This could optionally include authentication with the help of an external authentication provider such as Google, Twitter or Facebook.
  • Work with git. Create a branch for each story and merge it into master with a merge commit like “Story_001 Overview of Study Program”
    • You may also clean your git history to just have one commit per story.
  • Tag the version where the sprint was completed with “Sprint_09”
  • Include the repo url in your status report (you can use any service, e.g.
    • Please use a public repository or grant read access to the lecturer

Status Report

Write up a brief status report containing:

  • Your project name
  • The names of all team members
  • The backlog as a text file
  • The stories you’ve implemented in this sprint
  • A reflection on any technical issues that you have encountered and how you resolved them (or not)
    • What happens if you do not use a salt when hashing passwords?
  • The url of your git repositories

and submit it as .txt or .pdf to Moodle with the filename Group_<X>_Project_<Y>_Sprint09.pdf or _Group_<X>_Project_<Y>_Sprint09.txt.