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Info1 WS2013

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin


LectureDate (Tue)Lecture (2 on Tue)Chapter (Barnes/Kölling)Lab (Tue/Thu)
115-Oct-2013Introduction to Class + to KaraLab Startup
2Instructions, Methods
322-Oct-2013Kara Programming, Variables, Loops, ConditionalsExercise 01
4Arrays, Kara Roundup
529-Oct-2013Objects, Classes, Methods, BlueJ, Parameters, CompilerChapter 1Gruppe 1: Exercise 02 Gruppe 2: Exercise 01
6Class Definitions, Fields, Constructors, Methods, Parameters, Assignment, Accessor methods, Mutator MethodsChapter 2
75-Nov-2013Printing with BlueJ, Conditional, Local VariablesChapter 2Gruppe 1: Exercise 03 Gruppe 2: Exercise 02 and Exercise 03
8Expressions, Abstraction, Modularization, Object InteractionChapter 3
912-Nov-2013Object Creation, Object and Class Diagrams, Primitive Types, Object Types, Multiple Constructors, DebuggerChapter 3Exercise 04
10Collections, Generics, for-each, While LoopsChapter 4
1119-Nov-2013More Loops, Iterators, ArraysChapter 4Exercise 05
12For Loops, Library Classes, Reading Class DocumentationChapter 5
1326-Nov-2013Random, Packages, MapsChapter 5Exercise 06
14Public vs. Private, Interfaces, Class VariablesChapter 5+6
153-Dec-2013Writing Class Documentation, Unit Testing, Test AutomationChapter 6
16Modularization, Interfaces, Debugging, WalkthroughsChapter 6
1710-Dec-2013Designing Classes, Coupling, Cohesion, RefactoringChapter 7Exercise 07
18RefactoringChapter 7
1917-Dec-2013RefactoringChapter 7Exercise 08
20Using the main, Inheritance, Subtyping, Polymorphism, ProtectedChapter 8
217-Jan-2014Welcome to the new year: RepetitionExercise 09
22Casting, Polymorphism, Static vs. dynamic typing, Overriding, Object equalityChapter 9
2314-Jan-2014Abstract Classes, Abstract MethodsChapter 10Exercise 10
24A word about the Exam
2521-Jan-2014Multiple Inheritance vs. Java Interfaces, GUIs, AWT and Swing, Event handlerChapter 11Exercise 11
26An Example: The Image ViewerChapter 11
2728-Jan-2014Errors, Exceptions, AssertionsChapter 12Exercise 12
28File-based IO, FilesChapter 12
294-Feb-2014File, Switch, Exceptions AgainChapter 12Exam Preparation
30Application DesignChapter 13
32Thursday: Klausureinsicht