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B15 Informatik 3 (Info3)

Website of Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen, Professor for Media Informatics (Bachelor/Master) at HTW Berlin

Info3/SS2013 - Labs and Exercises

In the Info3 lab, we will do quite different things:

  • Design a Software System with the UML
  • Practice Software Testing in 3 different ways (yes, there is a secret 3rd testing exercise)
  • Fix a weird piece of legacy software
  • Get our feet wet with Ruby and Ruby on Rails and marvel at the patterns we find in there

There will be 12 graded exercises (No 00 won’t be graded). The graded exercises will either be written reports - lab reports - or the documents you produce in your design with UML, usually not the source code itself. I might, however, ask to turn it in as well.


Lecture summaries (10%)

In the Moodle collaboration room you can find a section called “Lecture summaries”. You are expected to write 5-10 complete sentences summarizing each lecture. It is due at 23.00 Thursday nights - to just have one due date for everything. You can, of course, hand them in earlier. If I find plagiarisms of lecture summaries (especially from the Wikipedia), you will not get any credit for any lecture summary at all. Of the 28-30 lectures altogether, I expect you to write summaries for 24 of them to get the entire 10% - they are either done or not done, and not graded on content. They can be in txt, pdf or markdown format.

Lab reports (50%)

There are 12 exercises to be done. For each week you must write a report. The report must be in English or German, spell-checked and using complete sentences, explaining what you did in the exercise session, that is, the process. Screenshots are welcome. Each report should not be more than 5 pages and in PDF or markdown format and must have your name on it. It must include a reflection on what you learned during the session, if anything. They must be submitted to the Moodle area by 23.00 the night before your next lab (Thursday night).

I will be giving “[stars]({{ site.BaseURL }}/studies/grading/guideline)” to let you know how well you are doing on each graded exercise. No stars does not mean no points - it means you handed in a report on time, but it was nothing to write home about. You will also need to be able to explain your solution to me in person in one of the following labs. Late work will not be accepted and will be treated as missing work. Always turn in what you have completed on time rather than delaying in the hope that you will be able to do more.

[Last semesters, I found it necessary to clarify some more things about the reports.]({{ site.BaseURL }}/studies/grading/guideline)